Principals ---
Robert "Bob" Palazzo, Jr. started this company over 30 years ago. Architectural Building Services started out as a local construction company and quickly gained a reputation as a builder that provides high quality craftsmanship. In the early days, Bob built single-family homes and then diversified into the commercial market building condos, commercial buildings, industrial buildings, and government buildings. Bob places a large emphasis on excellence in client satisfaction and is actively involved in every project just as he has for over 30 years.
Philosophy ---
"We build relationships"
Architectural Building Services' goal is to create high-quality buildings by working with our clients, subcontractors, architects and engineers.
Personal attention to each job ---
Our clients receive one-on-one attention through the entire process.
Professionalism ---
We expect a high level of professionalism and responsibility from the entire team for all of our projects. We guarantee all of our work to be of the highest quality so you don't have to worry.
Call for a quote (860) 675-8080
Architectural Building Services
General Contractors, LLC
Farmington, CT 06085